Working with Holidays
The best way to work with Holidays is to use the Yasumi Holiday PHP Library (
Simply require the library using composer:
$ composer require azuyalabs/yasumi
Then iterate over each holiday and add it to the SLA's holiday periods.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Yasumi\Yasumi;
use JulioSerpone\SlaManager\SLA;
use JulioSerpone\SlaManager\SLABreach;
use JulioSerpone\SlaManager\SLASchedule;
* Create a new SLA between 9am and 5:30pm weekdays
$sla = SLA::fromSchedule(
$holidays = Yasumi::create('Australia', 2022);
// Add each holiday in 2022 to the SLA's list of Holidays