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Updating Schedules

Because sometimes we might need to update our SLA Schedules over time – without invalidating existing SLA calculations, sla-manager allows us to update the SLA with a new SLASchedule that will commence after the effectiveFrom date provided.


// Create our initial schedule
$sla = SLA::fromSchedule(

// Add our new superseded schedule, only starting after 27 July 2022

Then if we run our duration method across both our old schedule and our new schedule.

// Given the time now is 14:00:00 31-07-2022
$sla->duration('08:35:40 25-07-2022')->totalSeconds; // 230
TablesOld ScheduleNew Schedule
25th July60s30s
26th July60s30s
27th July60s30s
28th July60s30s
29th July60s30s
30th July60s10s
31st July60s10s

Released under the MIT License.